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(in English) Season's Greetings : Celebrating a year of achievements!

As we approach the holiday season, the entire PSCC team wishes you a fantastic 2024. May the coming year be marked by innovation, collaboration, and remarkable projects, especially in the field of oncology! We remain committed to fostering a more precise, inclusive approach to oncology that revolutionizes patients' lives and ensures a future where cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are more accessible and effective.

🎉 Review of an exceptional year for the PSCC

As we look back to 2023, we're excited to take a moment to reflect on the significant milestones of the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster's first year. Since our operational launch last February, the PSCC has experienced impressive growth, driven by a dedicated and enthusiastic community.

➡️ Some key numbers since launch

  • 31 promising projects selected for support by the PSCC throughout France and even abroad.

  • 27 in-depth evaluations carried out by eminent researchers and clinicians in order to accelerate the success of the projects supported. The PSCC benefits from a unique network of scientific experts.

  • 2 technology platforms validated by the Board to be strengthened by the PSCC: single cell and spatial transcriptomics, and cell therapy.

  • 25 workshops with healthcare professionals and data experts to define a common model for real-world data structuration, describing 90 variables.

  • 1 PSCC launching event attended by over 200 people and representatives from politic, industrial, and academic ecosystems.

  • 4 "Jeudis du PSCC" (PSCC Thursdays) covering a wide range of exciting topics with over 100 participants at each event (access the replay of PSCC Thursdays on our website).

  • More than 90 members in our newly formed "PSCC Connect" association. This dynamic reflects the community's enthusiasm and commitment to the PSCC project.

➡️ Here are some of the highlights of our journey:

  • 14 members from academia, industry and local authorities in our expanded governance structure, thanks to our transformation into a Foundation for Scientific Cooperation.

  • 7 new talented recruits to our growing team.

  • 760m2 of temporary premises to host and support projects’ teams.

  • Over 4,000 followers on LinkedIn sharing our passion for cancer innovation.

Mission and ambitions: Shaping the future of cancer research together

The core mission of the PSCC is to accelerate the industrial development of innovations in oncology. By working with academic and industrial partners, we aim to translate the excellence achieved in basic research into tangible solutions for patients. Creating an environment that fosters and accelerates this process in France is at the heart of our mission.

Are you interested in PSCC support for the acceleration of your innovative oncology project?

All types of innovative oncology projects, regardless of size (from start-ups to large companies), are eligible for the PSCC support. To learn more and apply:

We also take this opportunity to invite you to join the members of “PSCC connect, the community of oncology players associated with PSCC to create connections, voice your needs and help build a world-class cancer innovation cluster. 


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