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Patient insight

Privileged access to data, biological samples and clinical trials


Patients are at the heart of all the cluster’s activities. They not only guide our innovation strategy but are also part of the projects supported by the PSCC through clinical trials, biological samples and associated data. To accelerate projects, we provide innovators with a platform that facilitates access to these three key resources.


Precision oncology generates huge amounts of data. The challenge is to organize, process, analyze and share these data, but also to standardize them. The PSCC builds with its partners a dedicated platform to facilitate access to patient data available in clinical centers (RWD and RCT data), ensuring interoperability and data quality.

The data are very heterogeneous in nature (DNA sequences, expression profiles, immune parameters, images, etc.), language (imaging professionals use the same computer language to share their data, but this is not the case in biology, in the world of omics, etc.), type (preclinical studies, cohorts, registries, clinical trials, etc.) and location (multiple research and care centers, organizations, etc.).


One of the priorities of the PSCC is to accelerate and rationalize access to these data and to guarantee their standardization, quality and interoperability. To meet this challenge, the cluster is setting up:

  • A federated data network (while the data will remain at the institutions, multi-site queries will now be possible);

  • A single point of entry for all project leaders;

  • Assistance to healthcare institutions so that they can accelerate their efforts in terms of quality and interoperability.


Conducted in partnership with UNICANCER, this project already brings together the Gustave Roussy Institute, the Curie Institute, the Léon Bérard Center, the AP-HP and the Foch Hospital and benefits from data from the France Genomic Medicine 2025 plan (more than one million genomic sequences). To go even further, the PSCC is partnering with Cancer Core Europe, the network that brings together seven of Europe's largest research and care institutes.

Biological samples

Accelerated and rationalized access to samples, rigorously preserved and annotated, as well as to associated metadata.

Biobanks are now part of the basic kit of translational research (identification and validation of therapeutic targets, prognostic biomarkers, support to preclinical trials, etc).


At a time of very high throughput (new generation sequencing, microfluidics, screening platform, etc), the PSCC federates French oncology players (the national network of cancer centers Unicancer, the Gustave Roussy Institute and the AP-HP) to accelerate and rationalize access to large volumes of samples (cells, tissues, biological fluids and derived products) that are rigorously preserved and annotated, as well as to associated metadata. 

Clinical trials

Integrated offering to accelerate clinical trials from design to patient enrolment, with dedicated support teams at partner hospitals.

They last longer, recruitment is more difficult (due to the "fragmentation" of cancers into different molecular subtypes), and there are more criteria (inclusion, evaluation, etc) and models (basket trials, umbrella trial, etc).


We help young companies in the cluster to overcome these difficulties by offering them:


  • Internal and external expert advice (trial design, regulatory constraints, referral to specialized companies, grant application, etc)

  • The operational commitment of a team of clinicians experienced in early clinical trials (investigators, biostatisticians, methodologists, experts in pharmacovigilance, immunomonitoring, quality control, etc)

  • The support of an internal project coordinator at all stages of the study

  • Financial support for sponsors of these trials in partner hospitals.

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